

Farnham Craft Town Blog

Farnham’s first Lantern Festival will take place on Thursday October 31st 2024. The Lantern Festival will welcome all parts of our community, young and old,....

Fiona Byrne, our first Artist in Residence, spent a busy month in Farnham during Spring 2024. One of the objectives was for her to create....

Not 1, not 2, but 3 Farnham Craft Month Launch Events are happening tomorrow! Join us at The Farnham Pottery at 12 noon with Kate....

  “A world of craft on our doorstep”   Please join us at 12 noon at The Farnham Pottery for our launch event with Kate....

Have you been to a Farnham Creatives’ Network meeting yet? The next one is on Tues 6th Sept and the October 4th one is all....