
Farnham Lantern Festival

Farnham’s first Lantern Festival will take place on Thursday October 31st  2024. The inspiration for the Festival is the significant Celtic celebration which marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, taking stock of the past and looking forward to the future.

The Lantern Festival will welcome all parts of our community, young and old, to express their creativity, get involved in making a lantern, and come together as a community to light up a dark October evening.

The Festival will culminate with an outdoor gathering of all the participants with their lanterns at 6.00pm on Gostrey Meadow on October 31st, creating a  gentle festival atmosphere on last day of October Craft Month.

Community groups, faith groups, care homes, pubs, clubs and informal groups of friends are all encouraged to take part. There will be four workshops in June to show group leaders how to make the lanterns from specially designed kits, and then they can incorporate the activity into their own schedules, appropriate to their own audiences. There are also instruction videos available on YouTube.

Book now to take part. The workshops will show you how to make a simple lantern using a kit which includes all the materials and instructions needed. Community groups will be offered 10 kits free of charge, with additional kits available to buy.

Group leaders: Book your space on June 20th or June 27th, morning or afternoon. For further information, contact hello@farnhamcrafttown.com.