Shirley Watson Design

Shirley Watson Design
- Oct 26 - 27 2024
- Expired!
- 10:00 - 16:00
More Info
Shirley creates original hand cut lino prints, printed on a hand press using environmentally friendly inks, making each print individual and unique.
She loves to use colour and shapes found in nature. Her recent works have been created from walks in her local area and visits to the coast, where she has explored and discovered inspiration in the landscape. Many of her prints are made using the Reduction process. This is a method of printing in which each colour layer is carved into the same lino block. Part of the design is carved into the block and printed. The process is then repeated for each layer of colour This creates a limited edition of prints as the block cannot be reused. Shirley will demonstrate the process with work in progress and show examples of finished prints which will be for sale.